How to Be Successful in School

Here are three important things a person should do to be successful in school:

  • Manage your time wisely.

Don’t save everything for the last minute and do your work as soon as possible. Doing this equals many benefits such as being done with it so that you don’t worry about it later, having time to ask your teacher any questions you had, and more free time to do what you love. I won’t lie; I procrastinate too. But I’ve found that I’m much happier going to school knowing that I had done all my work and had some time to spare.

  • Have good study habits.

Keep taking those notes. This isn’t a choice; without notes studying could get much harder when you don’t have something short and quick to look back at. Also, do other stuff like your homework just to make sure you understand what you’re learning. You should also find a study method that you feel comfortable with. For example, when studying, I find it easier for me to understand and remember things by reading it or writing it down. If you find a method that works for you, school will be much easier to get through since you’re doing it your way.

  • Prioritize.

You need to prioritize what different things you should do first. For example, let’s say you have to complete homework for two different classes. Class A’s homework is due tomorrow while Class B’s homework is due in two days. You do Class A’s homework first because that class has the closer due date. Don’t waste your time on something that can wait.


With these three things, I think a student can succeed in school. There are tons of other things that can help you be successful in school. Check out this webpage down below for more detailed ways to be successful.


Comment about any other ways to be successful that I didn’t talk about. Bye!



Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Sept. 2015 <>.

Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Sept. 2015. <>.